Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Decisions We Make For Our Children

Technically Minnow has been a citizen since we landed in the US on Sept. 1, 2006--at least in the eyes of our state. Officially, Minnow has been a citizen in the eyes of the US Government since Dec 22, 2006--the day his adoption was officially recognized by our state.

Today we made it absolutely 100% official the Minnow will bear arms for the US if asked to do so...etc. Yes, that was one of the statements I had to read with my right hand held up high. I hope Minnow doesn't mind we swearing his allegiance to our government forsaking all other previous governments.

It was a bit strange to be doing that for him. I know in his heart and in ours we will keep him close to Ethiopia, but reading those statements made me feel as though in some way it really isn't my decision to make for him. I was a little sad while reading them. It really made me consider how final his separation is--legally--from his homeland. I was happy that we got to keep his Ethiopian Passport. It will be a memento for him of where he has come from.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it IS sad, isn't it? Something gained and something lost. Nice to see that side of the issue mentioned.

Daisy said...

It is a mixed feeling, isn't it? It's so nice that you got to keep the passport. Even though it's not valid, it's a symbol of his homeland.