Friday, December 22, 2006

A Busy Few Days

Minnow is recovering from his circumcision like a champ. It was relatively easy--for me anyway. He fell asleep before he even went back to the operating room and I was with him in recovery when he woke, so he didn't know I wasn't with him. He was given some morphine for the pain and was smiling and laughing once the haze of the anesthetic wore off. He did have some pain later on and we gave him some Tylenol with codeine--my son is the absolute funniest thing when his is hopped up on painkillers. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was in some pain on Wednesday night--the day of the procedure--he had a little pain last night, but only had pain medicine once and hasn't really had any pain today. The swelling is way down, but the skin is still a little raw. We have used quite a bit of neosporin. I am so sorry that he is in pain, but it will be gone soon. But he is a trooper. He has been crawling and cruising like nothing has happened.

Today, we did our Recognition of Foreign Adoption. Our state does not do a re-adoption. It was relatively painless and very official. But now his name is officially Minnow (this is a code name, please don't think I really named my child Minnow) and he will get his Missouri Birth Certificate soon. I was nice to get all the legal stuff out of the way. Christmas shopping is done. The tree is overflowing with gifts and I have stopped going to the gym. I was putting so much pressure on myself, but I am going to take it easy for a few days and then after Christmas, I am going to go full strength.

I hope everyone has happy holiday.


Anonymous said...

Aw, baby Minnow had a surgical procedure. Glad to hear he's dealing well with it and recovering. I can imagine as the mommy, it's difficult to see your child go through that kind of pain.

The gym will always be there; it's ok to not put that kind of pressure on yourself. Hope you are indeed feeling the Christmas spirit more! Enjoy the holiday, you and your family are in my thoughts!

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Our holiday company all ooh'ed & ahh'ed over Minnow's Christmas Card - they think he looks a lot like Teeny, only not so fat (-:

Merry Christmas!