Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Great Expectations

I really thought that I might make it through both my BA and MA in English without every having to read Dickens' classic tale. I was not able to. In my second to last literature class for my MA it is the first novel we are reading. I am sadly only 1/2 way through and I need to finish the book today so that I can write a short paper on how Dickens uses violence to control women or how violence is just something everyone experiences...something along those lines.

I have to say the book is indeed a great book. The messages that are subtly masked in witty dialogue and somewhat contrived situations are real messages and commentary about the state of society that are still very relevant today. I will write more when I have finished.

Well there would be some great pics of Minnow playing at the zoo with his "girl friend" Supergirl but blogger is not cooperating...Maybe later...

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