Friday, September 08, 2006

Wednesday August 23

We woke up Wednesday feeling completely dejected. I felt that we would never get Minnow at this point. We were taken to immigration again in the morning. Surprise, Surprise the passport wasn't ready yet. We ended up back at the hotel sans baby around 11. I can't express how sad I was. I laid on the bed and cried. I felt that we would never get Minow. At this point I was angry that we could not postpone our trip. Of course, even if we could have I doubt that we would have. Hubby called Gail to get the scoop and try to figure out when we could really get Minnow. Gail offered that we could go to his medical appointment and then should be able to take him with us. I was still devestated. I really didn't think that we would ever get to take Minow home. I had dreams or maybe nightmares of having to spend a month in Addis waiting to take possession of our son. Weeks and months of anticipation has converged and left me a complete and utter emotional mess. But hubby was a rock and he got me through.

So AAI's driver picks us up for the medical appointment. There are several other children who need to get thier exams as they are all going home next week. We get in the van and Minow is there and he looks better. One of the caregivers is holding him and does not offer him to me. I am patient, even though all I want to do is rip him out of her loving arms. I don't who I have become at this moment, but I feel an odd sensation of a mother separated from her baby. I just needed him. We arrive at a clinic and all walk upstairs. While we are waiting, the caregiver offers Minow to me. As I take him into my arms I am overcome with a feeling of serenity. I am hoping it stays. The doc is not in and we leave as quickly as we arrive. One of AAI's workers calls and gets Minow an appointment at 3:30 at another place. We go back to Layla and wait. And. WAIT. AND. WAIT.

We do hear that Yared and Samson did get Minow's passport. We then found out that the doctor wanted Minow back at the hospital. This was just unacceptable for us. He looked good. He was smiling and giggly and seemed so much better. At this point, we were his parents and we really felt that he belonged and needed to be with us. Hubby asked why the doctor wanted him back. The staff at AAI didn't know and called the doc for us. He was not in so they left a message asking for him to call back. We waited. It was frustrating. It was not at all how it played on in my mind for the many months that we waited. Ah Expectations they are a tricky thing.

The doctor called back and Hubby talked to him. The doc wanted him at the hospital for observation. I think the doc thought that Minow would be coming back to Wanna. Hubby assured the doc that we would be observing him and that we would bring him back if he became feverish. That was a huge weight lifted off our shoulders to know that we would finally be able to take care of our baby.

The visit at the clinic for his medical review was interesting. We waited a long time, but finally it was all completed and we were given the order form for his embassy HIV test. We were informed then that the following two days Minow needed to get an injection of antibiotics. That would mean that I would not be able to go on the trip to the Blue Nile Gorge, but I didn't care, because I had my son. Now all we needed to do was get his IV taken out.


Anonymous said...

Way to stand up for yourselves and your baby in not sending him back to the hospital!


5KidMom said...

Totally heart wrenching! I am so glad the proverbial foot was put down. Minnow needed his MaMa and all the cuddles that come along!

Susy Q said...

He is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I have to read through and catch up here but MY GOODNESS he has the cutest face! So sweet looking! I look forward to following along your journey now that your little Minnow is home. :)