Friday, July 07, 2006

Completely Senseless Leadership...

No I am not talking about the US, N.Korea, or Mexico this morning. Maybe later, but I try to stay away from politics in blog world--as there are plenty who don't. I am talking about the completely inept, unintelligent, incompetent, insanely mystifying leadership at my summer school program. We have a five week summer school program here at the high school where students can earn 2-.5 credits. They--per the state--must not miss more than 5 hours in one class inorder to receive a semesters (.5) credit. Well, my school never abides by the rules--we will give credits away at the drop of a hat to just about anyone--yeah I know it is sad.

Anyway. Summer school is slated to offically end on July 14th--one week from today. So why am I giving my final today? you ask. Well because the aforementioned leadership has decided that we have to turn our final grades in on July 11th at 730 in the am. Yes that is 4 full school days before the summer school session is over. Now I know this seems a little, how shall I put this--crazy. I teach high school--I thought that needs repeating. Those of you who have teenagers or remember being a teenager know what it is like to get teens to do anything they don't want to do if they are not getting something for it. Now try to get teens to do something for 5 hours a day, 4 days in a row when they are getting nothing for it--as final grades will already be turned in. If you are shaking your head at the sheer brilliance of our leadership here--sit back because there is more.

Of course this is a high school. This may be summer school, but our students are not stupid. When all their teachers changed due dates on thier projects and moved up the days of the final exam the students caught on. It didn't take 1 hour for them to know that final grades were being turned in on Tuesday and for them that means that they are done. Why would they get up at 6 on a summer day and come to school for nothing? Good question. Well our fearless and clueless leaders who are not in the classroom contending with angst ridden teens make an announcement this morning telling student that they will not get credit for their classes if they are not here all of next week--this after students have found out that the school is no longer dropping them if they miss to many days. To whom does any of this make sense? Not to me. I am not going to fight the battle to get my students to work when they get nothing for it. It is hard enough to wage war with them when their grade is at stake. I just would like to know where these people who think they are smarter than everyone else got their degrees and how they envision this next week working. Oh the beauty of education....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And I'm leaving my corporate job to go back to school to become a teacher? Maybe I had had a tad too much to drink when I made the decision, filled out the application, took the Praxis, went on the interview, and enrolled after being accepted. Hmmm, that's a lot of drinking.

Good luck next week!